Thursday, April 14, 2011

Know The Albino For Human

Albino (from the Latin albus meaning white), also called hypomelanism or hypomelanosis, is a form of congenital hypopigmentary. Its trademark is a loss of pigment melanin in the skin, eyes and hair (or, less only the eye). Albino by a combination of recessive genes. Characteristics of an albino has a skin and hair are abnormally white or milky white and pale pink or blue iris red pupils (not all).

The number of patients albino staff around the world vary. Albinos in Tanzania, East Africa, is a country that is a patient Albino in the world, which has about 200,000 people. This is the same as more than patients in other countries. In many countries, albinos are only about 1 person every 20 000 inhabitants. While in Denmark, about 1 person per 60 000 patient population. And Africa, people are albinism per 5000 inhabitants.

Albino is a genetic disease is not contagious and can be transmitted through contact, blood transfusion, etc.. Albino gene makes the body can not produce the pigment melanin. Most forms of albinism are the result of a biological disorder of recessive genes inherited from parents, but in rare cases can be derived from the father / mother alone. There are other genetic mutations associated with albinism, but they all lead to a change in the production of melanin in the body.

Albino classified as tyrosinase-positive or negative. In the case of tyrosinase positive albino, tyrosinase exists, but the melanocytes (pigment cells) are unable to produce melanin due to certain reasons that are not directly related to tyrosinase. In tyrosinase negative cases, tyrosinase has not been manufactured or produced non-working version.

1. Oculocutaneous albinism (albino average on eyes and skin), loss of pigmentation in eyes, skin and hair.

2. Ocular albinism, only the loss of pigment in the eye. People with oculocutaneous albinism without pigment can be anything up to almost normal levels. People with ocular albinism have normal color hair and skin, and many have normal eye appearance.


Albino is a condition that can not be treated or cured, but some small things you can do to improve the quality of life. The most important thing is to improve the appearance, protect the eyes from the lights, and to avoid skin damage from sunlight. Successful treatment depends on the Albino, and how severe the symptoms. Generally, people with ocular albinism is more normal skin pigment, so do not require special treatment for the skin.


The typical treatment for eye conditions consists of visual rehabilitation. Surgery is possible for the eye muscles to decrease nystagmus, strabismus and refractive errors such as astigmatism. strabismus surgery can mengubahan appearance of the eye. Nistagmus surgery can reduce the excessive rotation of the eyeball.

Effectiveness of these procedures vary for each individual. But you know, the surgery does not restore the fovea is normal and does not improve to normal. In the case of esotropia (in the form of "crossed eyes" strabismus), surgery may help vision by expanding the field of vision (area that caught the eye when the eye looks only at a certain point).

Other sources of help

Glasses and "help them see the power 'albino can help other people, even if they have lost the power can not be fully corrected. Some people with albinism are likely to use bifocals (with a powerful lens for reading) while others are more appropriate to use reading glasses.

Patients can use colored contact lenses to prevent the transmission of light through the iris. Some people use bioptik glasses that have a small telescope in front of or behind the normal lens, so you can look around than using the regular lens or a telescope.Although still controversial ophthalmologist, many recommend the use of glasses for children as the eye can develop optimally.

Protection against the sun

People with albinism are required to wear sunscreen when exposed to sunlight to protect premature skin or skin cancer. Keep clothing and sun swimwear is another alternative to protect skin from sunlight.

The use of sunglasses and a hat will also help. Other factors that may help people with albinism is to avoid sudden changes in light of the situation and increase the glass support Better Sun indirect lighting normal albino patient position (such as their position on the table.) If possible, would affect people albinism light return at the front.

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